Feng Shui Garden
When you think of Feng Shui you may or may not of gardening. Here is some information on Feng Shui container gardening and all the possibilities.
If you have been thinking about getting into Feng Shui gardening but are thinking that you need a large open area to create your garden, and then think again. You can create a Feng Shui container garden that still posses all the principles of the Feng Shui form. Since, most of us do not possess a large open area, with rocks we can stack and a large field to work with, a Feng Shui container garden can work as well and still bring about the calmness and serenity that large Feng Shui gardens have.
Regardless of the amount of space you have, you can create a beautiful and interesting Feng Shui container garden. You will be able to incorporate all the Feng Shui ideas even though you are using a much smaller space. What is always important when creating a Feng Shui space is the energy that space possesses. So transforming your patio from an area you prefer to spend no time in, to an area of relaxation and even meditation is not as hard as it seems. Using many different plants, vegetables, flowers, fruits, and herbs to create the space that you want while still incorporating the Feng Shui energy can be done.
Once you have read up enough on Feng Shui ideals and beliefs you will be ready to begin picking which plants and vegetation you want to use. Starting with the plants you want in your area is best. Any plant nursery will have many varieties to choose from and all plants will have growing instructions and where they will thrive best. Along with all the necessary instructions on how to take care of them, from the amount of water they need to how much sunlight and shade they should get. Picking plants to create balance and harmony in your environment will be an important concern, however always looking for color and diversity is important too.
Choosing containers that are easily moved and adjusted will make creating and changing your Feng Shui garden much easier. Especially when there is a shift in energy in or around your home or business and you need to make a change quickly. Allowing for creativity in your containers is still important too and just about anything can e used that goes along with your Feng Shui theme. Pots, buckets, terracotta, ceramic, wood, tile, or even plastic. Anything that can hold items can be turned into a container for your garden, always just make sure to have holes in the bottom for water drainage and a saucer underneath to catch the water drainage.
Also, unlike other types of gardening, Feng Shui gardening allows for attachment to your plants and a connection with them than many other types of gardening does not look for. Whether you move or the weather changes, keeping the plants with you and creating your garden anywhere you are at-will create additional harmony and strength with your Feng Shui garden.
Creating your Feng Shui garden will give you a sense of peace and serenity when there is so much going on around you. This will be your place for relaxation and even meditation with all the Feng Shui characteristics and ideals.
Creating a Beautiful Indoor Mini Garden
Even if you do not have a lot of room, you can create a beautiful garden in your home. Here are a few tips and tricks to get your indoor garden started.
If you have been looking for a way to brighten up the inside of your home with unique colors and different textures, then creating an indoor garden may be just what you are looking for. Plants and flowers can add a relaxing and even homey feel to any space that you choose. They can also help to naturally cleanse and purify your air and home. Any plants you pick will be based on your own tastes and ideas of what you want your space to look and feel like. You can choose any plants you like, it all really depends on how much space you have to work with and what you are looking for.
There are few things to keep in mind and take care of when you are creating an indoor garden:
Below are a few tips to help you along with the creation of your new space.
- Light is very important to any plant you choose, you probably already knew that. However, they also need shade too. Making sure that your plants are receiving enough of both is very important. Picking plants that will do well in the environment you have them will work best. Reading the tags that come on the plant closely so you know what their sun and shade needs are will ensure that your plants thrive and do well in your home.
- Also, do not over or underwater your plants. Again reading the tag that comes on the plant closely and following the instructions will tell you exactly what you need to know about your plant and their needs. Overwatering can create bugs and disease with your plant, also there is root rot from too much water and the plant not being able to use all of it and drain all of it out.
- When you first get the plant home, it will look good for a while and then the leaves may brown and fall off. Many times the nurseries fertilize them to make them grow quickly, so if you would like them to keep growing that way, then you will need to fertilize them also. Choosing a fertilizer will depend on the plant and again reading the tag on the plant will make this decision easier.
- Picking containers that will go well with your already established decor and that will fit the plants you have chosen. There are so many different containers available to purchase or you can even use containers from around your home. As long as there are adequate holes in the bottom for water drainage, any container large enough for your plant will work. This is the fun part of indoor container gardening, you have so many choices and ways to create your garden.
- Container gardening is also a little easier than creating a full-blown outdoor garden. You can start small until you get the hang of it and then add more as time goes on. Or you can just keep your garden small and easy to manage. You do have a lot of options with container gardening.
However, you decide to create your garden, you have many options and choices to choose from. There are so many ways to reuse household items and make an interesting and unique garden for your home.
- Also, Read
- Avoid Insomnia | Have a stress-free good sleep
- [Full Guide] Indoor Gardening Is Not Impossible – Container Gardening Tips
Making A Salad Garden

Designing a beautiful vegetable and fruit garden throughout the year is a great way to stay healthy and relax too. Here are some ways to get started.
Having a container garden with
fruits and vegetables is a great way to have some fresh food throughout the
year. Especially since you can grow your plants both indoors and outdoors
throughout the year, regardless of the time of year.
The only limitations you have are the amount of space available and the size of
containers your using. There are many combinations that you can come up with
within each container. Such as planting tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, and
chives all in a twenty-four to the thirty-inch container. These work well
together and require all the same watering and sunlight needs. If they are
outdoors, they can be moved inside for the winter months, giving you the same
fresh vegetables and herbs as in the summer.
- To start all you need to do is buy or find the containers you want to plant your garden or gardens in. Choosing the containers based on the space you have, how many fruits, vegetables, or herbs you want to grow, and how large you plan to allow your garden to become. You can reuse household items like coffee cans and detergent buckets or you buy ceramic, wood, terracotta, or plastic pots. If you choose to reuse, then just make sure you clean the containers thoroughly and paint the inside and outside with water-resistant paint, to ensure protection for your plants. There are also tubs, boxes, baskets, and even pails. Practically anything that holds items will work as long as there is a way for the water to drain. Either there will be pre-made holes or you will need to make them. Then using saucers or dishes underneath to catch water drips so as to not create a mess.
- Next, buy the packets of seeds of the plants you want to grow. Sometimes there may be plants at the nursery that have already been started and you will only need to replant these in the pots you have. Make sure you spread the seed out evenly throughout the soil and leave enough room, about two inches from the top of the container, so you can water and fertilize your plants. You will want to gently pack down the dirt, not too tight, but enough to protect the new seeds.
When creating your garden, try many different plants to see which you like best and grow best. Maybe there are some you have a knack for or are your favorite. If you have enough space then plant a little of everything. Virtually any vegetable, fruit, and herb out there can be grown in a container as long as the container is large enough. And of course, you have the time to take care of them. Planting like items together will make your garden thrive and make maintaining it a lot easier.
Some plants will have identical watering, sunlight, and fertilization needs, saving you space also by planting them together in one pot. For the larger plants, then using separate containers will be better. Reading the care instructions that come with all plants and seed packets will give you ideas and tell you exactly what each plant requires.
Growing Vegetables In Your Home
Even if you do not have a yard or a lot of space, you can grow some vegetables in your home. Here are a few tips and tricks to get your indoor vegetable garden going.
With so many people living in apartments now with the rising costs of homes and well the rising costs of everything. More people have turned to apartments and condos to lower their costs and of course, there is a way to lower the costs further by growing your own vegetables inside your home.
Growing plants in containers open up many possibilities since you can grow them throughout the year. The only limitation that you have is how much work you want to put into your indoor garden and the amount of space you have available.
There is also the benefit of saving money since you will be growing some of your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs indoors. Once you have your garden set up the cost is very little, if hardly any at all. Your plants need watering, sunlight, shade, and fertilizing occasionally. Your plants will also be much more natural with fewer pesticides and chemicals in them since you will be growing on a much smaller scale and indoors. Indoor gardening means fewer bugs, diseases, and small creatures like snails and worms getting into your garden. Eliminating the need for pesticides and chemical sprays on your foods and flowers.
Indoor growing can offer optimum growing conditions for your plants since they are indoors and can always receive premium sunlight and food. Especially since when need be you can move your plants for more or less sunlight or to a different location for warmth or cold. Indoor gardening gives you many options that traditional outdoor gardening does not provide.
Furthermore, container gardening is suitable for many people. Regardless of age or gender, you can participate in container gardening.
If you are elderly or have limited mobility you can still have a container garden since it does not take a lot of time or effort to have one. You can keep your garden small and easily manageable depending on what your needs are.
Or if you have never had a garden before, it is a good way to get started and begin experimenting and trying new things. Again, you can start small until you get the hang of it.
It is a great way to get children of all ages involved. They can learn about nature and how to take care of plants while learning about responsibility and sticking to a schedule. Growing a garden is a great way for children to get involved and have a lot of fun doing it since they will get to eat what they have grown.
Also, you can grow your vegetables throughout the year since there is no limit because of season changes. Making container gardening great for people who live in extremely warm or cold places that do not usually have great growing conditions.
Lastly, you can reuse many household containers and pots to grow your plants. Saving you time and money.
Regardless of why you have decided to start an indoor vegetable, fruit, herb, of flower garden the benefits are numerous. With so many ways to start your garden and all the creative ways to design it, indoor gardening may be just your home and your heart need.
Hi friends, I hope you liked these ideas about the Feng Shui garden and indoor salad garden. Share with friends. Sharing is caring.